Art Is a Diversion That Distracts Us From the Search for Truth Plato

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211115: drove of essays from early 1900s, some skillful, some less. arts and aesthetics. ane essay on phenomenology of art, one fascinating deconstruction of 'theatre', one on painting makes me call back of Jackson pollock, of Velasquez... 211115: collection of essays from early on 1900s, some skillful, some less. arts and aesthetics. one essay on phenomenology of art, 1 fascinating deconstruction of 'theatre', i on painting makes me think of Jackson pollock, of Velasquez... ...more
May 19, 2013 rated it really liked it
I of the things life has taught me is that nothing is a matter of indifference if i has a moderately articulate view of reality: everything, even what seems least important, produces effects that either help or damage. Tertium not datur. (The third is not given.)

Information technology is harmful for an writer if his readers exercise not know him.

The human condition is staggering. Human has to choose his own beingness at each instant. He is perforce costless. However his freedom of choice ways that, while man feels an inner necessity to

One of the things life has taught me is that zero is a matter of indifference if one has a moderately clear view of reality: everything, even what seems least important, produces furnishings that either help or damage. Tertium non datur. (The third is not given.)

Information technology is harmful for an writer if his readers do not know him.

The human condition is staggering. Man has to choose his own beingness at each instant. He is perforce free. All the same his freedom of choice means that, while man feels an inner necessity to choose the best, what this all-time may be is not itself something that is his to decide. Among the many things that at any moment we can practise or be, there is ever one that appears to us what nosotros must do, what nosotros must be; that is, information technology appears necessary. This matter is the best. Our freedom to be this or that does non gratuitous us of the necessity itself. On the contrary it involves us more than deeply in necessity. Catholic necessity consists in the disability of a star to deviate from its course. At the aforementioned time the trajectory is a "given" and the star is not obliged to make it up. The star's behavior -- its being -- is predetermined, and nonetheless enormous and bright, the star travels along like a child, asleep in the diamond cradle of its orbit.

Each human life has to invent its own class; there is really no zurück,. The imperative of actuality is the imperative to invent. This is why man'southward primary kinesthesia is fantasy, every bit Goethe once said, peradventure without realizing the profundity of his remark. Even scientific thinking is goose egg, psychologically, but a species of fantasy, the fantasy of the exact. Man life is, therefore, a poetic undertaking, the invention of that graphic symbol that each person, each epoch has to be. Man is his own novelist. And when a nation's fantasy dries upwardly, when it can no longer invent a program to live by, information technology is lost. Life turns out to be, provisionally, a literary genre!

Nonetheless it may exist part of the tragic destiny of a generation not to find its ain course of life. This is obvious! At that place are clearly generations that fulfill themselves and there are others that, in whole or in office, remain unfulfilled.

The fields of Europe had been sown with common salt as far every bit philosophy was concerned. With incredible swiftness the technique of thought that philosophy uses was forgotten. The result was a regression to infancy and intellectual prattle. This why the generations of 1840 and 1855 had to go back to school, back to the classics. It became necessary to relearn the ABCs of philosophy.

Around 1870, in that location was no philosophy; far less did anyone pretend to have a philosophy of their own.

At age 26, certain ideas do not occur to us, merely rather we suddenly discover within ourselves, without knowing their origin, a certain disposition or want that the truth possess a particular meaning and a certain limerick. This disposition, which we are not enlightened of having formed but find within every bit a kind of intellectual terrain where we will have to alive, is the human level that each generation is in the the evolutionary process of human history. This is why it is non something that occurs to us but something we are.

Good humor is excellent for one's health, similar sun, like the Alps, like a Japanese bath.

When speaking of philosophy our almost sectional concern is with the problem of truth and error. Truthfulness is nix but a desire for truth, a longing to achieve certainty. Whoever lacks truthfulness is not, without more ado, medancious. Information technology may merely be that such a person has other desires, other longings than those directed exclusively toward truth.

Nietzsche: das Leben will Täuschung, es lebt von der Täuschung
life requires fiction (charade), lives in fiction (deception)

As for this opinion, I can respect information technology without sharing information technology. For I believe that just now have we finally managed to come across conspicuously how truth is an essential ingredient in homo'south makeup. Although information technology seems incredible, until now information technology had remained unexplained why man must seek truth. Truth seemed an obsession, a luxurious concern. All these views presuppose that homo tin, subsequently all, live without truth. His relation to truth was therefore extrinsic and fortuitous.

Socrates: Man cannot sustain a life where in that location is no longing for truth

Life without truth is unlivable. Truth exists in such a mode as to be human being'due south reciprocal. Without man in that location is no truth, simply by the aforementioned token, without truth human being is not man. The only thing that man needs admittedly is truth. All other needs, fifty-fifty food, are necessary on status that at that place as well be truth, that is, that information technology make sense to live. Zoologically speaking and so, one would take to allocate man as a Wahrheitsfresser (a veridivore) and non a carnivore.

The contrary opinion, that human can live on myths and without truth -- in brusque, can alive on falsehood - has, amid other disadvantages, that of being a typical symptom that always appears in history whenever a rebellion of the masses and the consequent apotheosis (an individual has been raised to godlike stature) of collectivization have occurred. The masses and collective states tin can, in fact, live without truth: they do not need information technology, nor are they capable of it. This leads ane to suspect that masses and collectives are non man or are merely an unusual deficient human manner. Who knows?

due east quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle
and so nosotros went out to see the stars
- è l'ultimo verso dell'Inferno della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri

Life as the acceptance of one'south circumstances implies that homo cannot relieve himself unless he also saves his environs. Frenchmen, Germans, Englishmen alive in an already establish social environment. Their nations may not be perfect societies just they are endowed with all the necessary functions and serviced by properly performance organizations. With us the situation is very dissimilar: the Spaniard who tries to escape national concerns will find himself their daily prisoner ten times over, and eventually will realize that for anyone born between the Bidasoa River and Gibraltar, Kingdom of spain is the showtime, the whole, the peremptory problem.

My country's destiny was, in its turn, an enigma. Madame Förster-Nietzche told a visiting Spaniard how in one case, when the chat touch on the Spanish in her brother's presence, although he was already ill and distant-seeming, he raised the ruin of his distinguished head and with a phonation from beyond the tomb, an echo-like voice said: "The Castilian, the Spanish! … They wanted to exist besides much."

sub judice, Latin for "under judgment", means that a particular instance or matter is under trial or being considered by a judge or court.

Plato insisted that problems derive from previous solutions to simpler problems. In fact, at that place is no start problem, no "problem in itself." For each land in the progressive series of solutions the previous solution is a problem. History is the history of what was once a vital problem for man and has ceased to be so for the states. A theory of knowledge that views the act of noesis as pure construction.

Is the character of structure that nosotros have described sufficient to ascertain cognition? Is knowledge solely and essentially the conclusion of phenomena co-ordinate to hypothetical points of view. In brusque, is the generation of theoretical objects, a determination in the literal sense of this globe only this?

When I say 'a round square in impossible' no one imagines the circular square is a concept or fifty-fifty less a representation; and yet the round foursquare was something as far every bit I was concerned, since I was able to make a judgment nigh its impossibility.

Information technology would exist wisdom to gratuitous the sword of beauty from that decorative sheath in which information technology has been kept for and then long and allow it flash dangerously once more in the sunlight.

Science for us will never be common sense plus the tools of measurement, nor Morality a passive honorableness in social activity, nor Beauty orderliness, simplicity or right limerick. Every bit it happens, contemporary human being has grown accustomed to non asking of art deeper emotions than those built-in of the decorative arts.

In that location are people who have never felt thirst, what is called thirst, real thirst. And at that place are those who have never undergone this essential feel of Dazzler. This is the just way to explicate how anyone can drink from a beautiful glass. Either I nourish to quenching my thirst or I nourish to Beauty: a eye term would mean the falsification of both. So, when I am thirsty delight give me a glass that is full, make clean and without beauty.

Kant reduces morality to his well-known formula: Act and then equally not to utilise others as ways, only as ends of your deportment.

To make these words, every bit Kant does, the expression of a norm and a guide in all obligations is the same as declaring that in fact each of us uses his fellow man, that we treat them as we care for things. Kant'south imperative would have united states of america regard other men equally people, not things to exist used, not things. This man condition devolves on something when we fulfil the immortal saying from the Gospel: treat your neighbour as yourself.

Everything from a point of view within itself, is an "I."
The Delphic proverb: Know thyself. The I that I seem to have and then close at manus is only an image of my 'I.

me ipsum (myself)

All original sins are in truth a necessary precondition for not a few virtues and triumphs. I have no more direct cognition of other men and things than of myself. So, too, with my "I" information technology is a passerby, with confront subconscious, that crosses my consciousness, giving me no more a glimpse of a back draped in a Castilian cape.

Nietzsche: It is very easy to retrieve things; it is very difficult to be them.

The distance betwixt thinking something and being something is exactly the same as the distance between affair and I.

Truthful inwardness or anything in the act of executing itself, stands at an equal distance from our epitome of the external and our image of the internal.
Inwardness is the true existence of all things, the only sufficient matter, and the only thing whose contemplation would completely satisfy usa.

Let the states set aside the question of whether it is rationally possible, and in what way information technology would exist possible to make an object of contemplation of what appears condemned never to be an object at all. Let u.s. assume an attentive frame of mind.

A narrative makes everything a ghost of itself, placing it at a altitude, pushing it beyond the horizon of the here and at present. What is narrated is what was, and the 'was' is the schematic shape left in the present by what is absent, by what no longer is -- like the discarded peel of a snake.

Now and then imagine the importance of a language or organization of expressive signs whose function was not to tell the states about things merely to present them to us in the human action of executing themselves.

Art is just such a language; this is what fine art does.

The essence of glass lies in its serving as a passage to other objects: its nature is not to be itself but other things. What a strange mission of humility of cocky-denial is assigned to certain beings. Woman seems destined to be a perfumed passage for other beings, assuasive herself to be penetrated past both lover and kid.

The case of glass is given to united states as art - an object with the double status of being transparent and of having what is seen through it be itself, not something else.

the depth of inwardness - an object and I - a symbol of the highest reality:

Giosue Carducci - Opera Omnia
the complete works

due east già che la metafora, regina
di nascita due east conquista,
è la sola gentil, salda, divina
verità che sussista...

Then now metaphor, queen
by birth and conquest,
Is the sole wondrous, steadfast, and divine
truth that remains.
Laudata sii, Diversità
della creature, sirena
del mondo.

Praised be, Diversity
of all creatures, siren
of the world... -- "Laus vitae" (In Praise of Life, D'Annuzio)

We reach the conviction that the model is not the same for all nor fifty-fifty typical. Each confront gives off its unique and exclusive ideal like a mystical phosphorescence. When Raphael said he painted not what he saw but "una certain idea que mi vieni in mente," (a certain idea that came to mind) we must not sympathise the platonic Thought that excludes the inexhaustible and multiform diversity of the real. No; each thing from nativity is endowed with its own untransferable platonic.

It is love that makes me speak.. love for the multiplicity of life which fifty-fifty the best of us, confronting our will, have helped to belittle. Considering just as the Greeks held that all Beingness is One and reduced dazzler to a norm or general model, so Kant plant Goodness and Moral Perfection in a generic, abstract imperative.

No, no; duty is not the same for all. Each of united states of america carries within his ain exclusive and inalienable duty. To guide my conduct Kant offers me a criterion: that I wish e'er for what another might wish for. But this empties the ideal. Information technology makes it a judicial mask, a mask with features of no one. I can only fully want what I want with my whole individual being.

Permit us measure people in terms of themselves: what each is in reality confronting what he potentially is "Go what you lot are." Here is a simply imperative... But what usually happens is what Mallarmé suggests and so marvelously, so mysteriously, when he calls Hamlet "the latent gentleman who cannot manage to be."

This idea of finding the sublime matrix of ideals, norms, and perfection in reality'south unlimited capacity for innovation tin be fruitful everywhere.

The journeying is over. What more can you expect for ten centrimos.

Fourth dimension, the winner in every footrace, has beaten me in this cross-country do.

Human life is not and cannot be only serious; it is and must sometimes be, if merely for a while, a joke, a farce; this is why the theater exists. And theater turns out to exist one of the sustainers of life and in what information technology is as a fundamental dimension of our lives lies the ultimate reality and substance of theater, its being and its truth.

What nosotros are -- a life -- is not something nosotros came past on our ain, but instead something in which we already were at the very moment we beginning discovered ourselves. To live is to find oneself suddenly obliged to be, to be, in an unforeseen realm that is the world, where 'world' means always 'our present globe now.' We have a certain amount of freedom to come and get in 'our present world,' but nosotros cannot cull beforehand the globe we are going to live in. We manage the outline and components in order to exist, to be, to live in this world merely as it is.

Life is not something that is just at that place like a affair; instead it is always something to do, a chore, a gerund a faciendum (doing). However if what nosotros were to do in each moment had already been decided for the states, the task of living would be less troublesome. "wherever a human being places his pes he treads a hundred paths." Each point is infinite is a crossroad, a not knowing what to do. At the same time it is a place for decision of having to choose. This forces us to understand, to take conscientious account of our circumstances. This is the origin of all forms of knowledge - life experience. And that noesis of life usually called prudence and sagesse. Life is imprisonment in coexisting reality. His world is ever here and at present. Life is an across-the-board task. When someone asked Baudelaire where he would prefer to live, in his sick-humored dandyism that was, as nosotros know, his religion, he answered: Anywhere, anywhere, provided it's out of this globe!

Baudelaire: From time to fourth dimension homo needs to escape the existent globe.

what free us from the rest is... play
escape reality to another unreal world. Play is distraction. Man needs to residue from his life. Distraction, diversion, are consubstantial with human life; they are not accidental to it, not something we tin can exercise without. And the person who seeks distractions is never frivolous; the frivolous person is the one who says there must exist no distractions. Of course, what would be senseless is the desire to brand life all distraction and diversion, because and then there would be nothing from which to be diverted or distracted. Detect how the idea of diversion presupposes 2 terms: a terminus a quo and a terminus ad quem - that from which we are diverted and that by which we are diverted.

Diversion is ane of the supreme dimensions of culture.
Plato suggests that 'the play function of life is the best thing virtually it'
The Romans imagined play every bit a God called simple "Play" Lustus, the son of Bacchus -- and founder of the Lusitanian race.

[Lusitania: all of modern Portugal south of theDouro river and part of modernistic Espana]

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José Ortega y Gasset was a Spanish liberal philosopher and essayist working during the first one-half of the 20th century while Spain oscillated between monarchy, republicanism and dictatorship. He was, along with Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche, a proponent of the thought of perspectivism.

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